the title is inspired from "in the mood for luv", directed by wong-kar-wai (vuong gia ve^.). i didn't watch "inh do` mut' pho lop^' " but i like his 2046, a somewhat comlicated and sleepy film, yet have something to remember also, esp its soundtrack.
just think 'bout my high school friend, this guy has some cool way of studying (like he never memorize the history lessons and still dare to come and reason w/ the teacher about that ). then some morning, when we were "greeting the flag" (chao` co` ) , he had a talk with some other guys, and suddenly asked us (voi giong dieu ra't bu'c xu'c)
"why do we have to feel shy about the fact that we masturbate daily ?"
man, he made us to and then .. he was serious back then kool guy