felt a lil bit bored and went out to the field for a while. it's cool physically, and the feeling is also kool leh. the last time i brought my lappie there, signal strength was so weak that i can just listen to da muzik. this time i could surf the forum hehe.

trang thanh gio ma't, ba`u ban cung lappie, thieu' chai nep du.c voi' dia~ thit. ca^`y la` ngon lanh` Image

qua gio nghe duoc may cau che't kuoi`

xyz: la tui dang test lai may cai add do
xyz: no da ko chay duoc roi
myself: ki` vay
xyz: ban nay da lam gi no?

xyz: can tu van con gai song noi tam thi hoi tao 
xyz: tao quen toa`n em dau` thi` nho? nghi? thi` nhieu


ps : mia' , do.c lai van thay ma'c cuoi` "dau` thi nho? nghi? thi` nhieu" Image kool man. ah`, the? theo iu cau` cua? pang lud u`, da.t link quang? cao' len pha't, thu` lao duoc tra? la 2 to bu'n bo` (ben biz, sh*t Image )


ai thich guitar bua do' wa' bo. wa cai' nha Image