hamachi rulez !!
bua nay xai` duo.c cai' hamachi ( http://www.hamachi.cc ) da~ wa' hehe
ai ma` muon' tao. LAN giua may' trong campus (sau NAT/proxy/firewall etc) voi' may' ngoai` campus, thi` cai` hamachi. xong tao network (voi password), roi` nguoi` kia cung join hamachi, join network do', thi` coi nhu 2 may' cun`g LAN, co' static IP luo^n hehe. du`ng cai' nay` deploy cai' 3214 de proj mates test thu? cho no' kool
hoi nay chat voi big bro, nho` test gium` 3214, xong dinh lay' battle city ra ba'n wa hamichi luon ^_^. hoi do' lau lau muo'n cai' may' nintendo dzia` cho*i ba'n xe tang, nice
ah`, just some nice websites i wanna share
http://www.editables.com/ <- edit website on the fly
http://www.meebo.com/ <- web-based messengers
http://www.start.com/ <- portal from M$, Google also got one too
if i could transform my muzikbox to sth like those
a lil bit of reminiscene, kinda familiar..