
chieu` ngu? tre^~ ko ra sa^n bay duoc, thoi viet may chu~ goi. la` tien~ heo len duo`ng vay. he` he`

do' gio` co 1 definition don gian? ve` buddy, la` nhung nguoi` ma` nghe minh` !@#$% ma` ko nghi~ minh` ma't day. i'm glad u're one of those. esp in these very days, when i got to hear some not-so-little-bad-stuffs-bout-me-being-gossiped.

do' gio` hay bao? con heo nay` chi nau' an ngon nhi` NUS thoi. that ra cung ko han. pa.ng kia hang 1 la` vi` hoi do' luc' comment con` bi anh huong chien` ti`nh cum?. gio` frankly ma` noi' thi`... pa.ng heo nau' an ngon thu' may' chu.c lan. =)) (hoc hoi a Thuong hom wa =)) )

when i saw u holding the candles in the freaking-long-intro-from-ur-charity-gang yesterday nite, i knew for sure that u would cry. somehow i liked it. i always classify those who do gud stuffs into 2 classes, i'm in the do-it-just-for-fun-n-in-my-spare-time-only-or-when-i'm-pretty-down-just-to-see-those-who-worse-than-me , and u're in the 2nd class, do-it-w/-ur-heart. i appreciate that.

still remember when i told u to hit ur toe w/ ur finger, man... u were the man !

and tons of things else.

i like ur working stuffs also. so, one of the wishes is .. "hav much money to travel and come back" erh

that's all. have a nice trip there. u deserve it.