CS3214 <-- core module, nothing to comment. just read its requirement, and so blur hehe. i dun't really like J2EE, so bloated (although i did CS2261, but learnt a lil bit from mr Poo-just-sells-books). but since it's a highly needed skill, should put much effort into this course. we will build something called Integrated Resort Management System. what a name. anyway, reading 'bout the operation of hotel, casion is interesting, though.
CS3224 - architecture of internet. another network-related module, next to network1 and network2.
EL1101E - nature of language. my friend told me this module is quite fun and relaxing. hmm. that's what i need for this sem, besides the damn tough 3214
PS1001E - intro to political science . just wanna have some basic knowledges 'bout it. i wanna take intro to religions also but didn't have enuf points to bid for it.
last one, MKT1003, marketing. another favourite module
somehow i dun't know what i really like, computing or something else.. anyway, just finish this semester with the best effort
it's a bit cold here. just said something stupid. well, noi' vay de nghe mot cai' j phu? di.nh .. hi`.. i just dun't like the feeling of uncertainty, may u know. anyway, sogie :-)
last, the pix is MacBookPro, newest gadget from Apple. damn cool. it runs Intel chip. wish i got one hehe.